December 6, 2022

You are cordially invited to join other Friends and their guests for Christmas Lunch at Kelvingrove!

CHRISTMAS LUNCH AT KELVINGROVE Friends and their guests are cordially invited to a festive afternoon in the café at Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, where you will enjoy a three-course Christmas lunch, including a glass of fizz on arrival and wine at the table. There will also be a complimentary Prize Draw and the opportunity […]

You are cordially invited to join other Friends and their guests for Christmas Lunch at Kelvingrove! Read More »

Friends have a wonderful Christmas Lunch at Kelvingrove Art Gallery!

Over One Hundred Friends came together to enjoy a drinks reception, followed by a delicious, three-course Christmas Lunch in the restaurant at Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum. After lunch, which was finished off with tea/coffee and mince pies, the excitement mounted as we waited for the Christmas raffle organised by the shop. As Catherine McGurk,

Friends have a wonderful Christmas Lunch at Kelvingrove Art Gallery! Read More »