Another highly enjoyable Friends event – Guided tour and lunch at the House for an Art Lover!

Another highly enjoyable Friends event

Lovers of Art the Friends certainly are, and so on Wednesday 18th May, we enjoyed a very appropriate visit to House for an Art Lover in Pollok Park.

Our excellent tour guide James gave us a strong sense of the unique importance of the House, not just as an undeniably beautiful building, but as a rich and ever-changing resource, offering multi-faceted insights into the individual and collaborative work, processes, and influences of Charles Rennie Mackintosh and Margaret Macdonald from the very beginning of their (literal and artistic) marriage.

After our tour of the dramatic north-facing Dining Room and the gorgeous light-filled Music Room, Friends enjoyed a delicious lunch in the Art Lover?s Caf‚.

Our thanks to James Winnett and the staff of House for an Art Lover for making this such a thoroughly enjoyable FoGM event.