Bequests and donations to Friends of Glasgow Museums
Friends of Glasgow Museums is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SC052547), with the aim of cultivating interest in the activities – artistic, historical, educational and scientific – promoted by Glasgow’s Museums and Art Galleries.
This support includes the awarding of grants for a variety of purposes – to help with purchases for the collections and the conservation of items, for publications, exhibitions, for research, and for education. Since 1984, FoGM has supported Glasgow Museums’ Young People’s Art Competition, sponsoring medals, special awards and contributing to the prize-giving ceremony.
Much of the money to fund such projects comes from bequests from Friends who appreciated that FoGM would ensure their legacies were used as they had wishes, to benefit Glasgow’s Museums and Art Galleries directly.
FoGM also raises funds through its Membership activities: lectures, excursions and events, including the usually over-subscribed Christmas Gala Lunch at Kelvingrove.
If You wish to make a donation to Friends of Glasgow Museums, or a considering remembering us in the form of a bequest, please contact Julie Chambers in confidence to discuss matters further.
Friends of Glasgow Museums, 15 Ashley Street, Glasgow G3 6DR
Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation: SC052547
Member of British Association of Friends of Museums (BAFM)

Our Tour Guide with members of the party at Culross. Courtesy of Frances Dryburgh

Struan in front "Spring in Glasgow" by J D Fergusson. Thanks to Michael Hutchinson