Helen Hughes, Textile Conservator with Glasgow Museums will give the June online lecture.




Helen Hughes, Textile Conservator

The Camel Caravan tapestry is one of the biggest tapestries in the Burrell Collection. It is also one of the most enjoyed and approachable tapestries with its depiction of fantastical camels and exotic people. In recent years the textile conservation world has been looking at how tapestries are displayed and discussions about this has helped inform the Burrell tapestries’ display methods, especially for the Camel Caravan where the treatment is directly related to display method. Covid has also played its part causing obstacles that were successfully overcome for the re-display of the Camel Caravan in the new Storytelling Gallery of the Burrell Collection. 

Helen Hughes is a Textile Conservator with Glasgow Museums and contributor to the Burrell Tapestry Catalogue and the Banner Tales; Diverse Voices.