It is not too late to join our first lecture on Tuesday 25th January!


LECTURE 1 – Tuesday, 25th January 2022 at 2pm
?Painting for my life?: Marianne Grant?s Holocaust Artworks’ – Dr Jo Meacock (Curator of British Art, Glasgow Museums)

Although Zoom lectures were free to all Friends in 2021, we hope you will understand our decision to implement a fee of œ5 per lecture in 2022, which will help to cover our running costs.
If you wish to receive the Zoom link (which will be sent a few days before the lecture) please reply to this email stating which lecture(s) you wish to attend.

Please make payment of either œ5 (one lecture), œ10 (two lectures) or œ15 (all three lectures):

ú by cheque made payable to: ‘Friends of Glasgow Museums’ and sent to: FoGM, The Glasgow Art Club, 185 Bath St, Glasgow, G2 4HU quoting your membership number on the back of the cheque.
ú by bank transfer to: Friends of Glasgow Museums, Virgin Money, Account No. 80471155, Sort Code 82-69-32 quoting your membership number as the reference.
We hope the lectures will be of interest to you and look forward to seeing you online.