Join our next Online Lecture – A Tour of Nuremberg on Tuesday 22nd February at 2pm





The old town of Nuremberg is a medieval walled city with an impressive imperial castle, Gothic churches and timbered houses, all carefully restored. Birthplace of arguably Germany’s greatest artist, Albrecht Dürer, it was also home to many other artists and craftsmen, sculptors in wood, stone and metal. City of mastersingers and poets, it is full of picturesque squares and fountains.

It was also of course the site of Hitler’s infamous, heavily staged party rallies in the 1930’s. Unfortunately this is still probably the main association with Nuremberg for many British people. This aspect of Nuremberg’s history will not be ignored in the talk, but the focus will be on the art and architecture of the town’s medieval and Renaissance heyday – not forgetting the beer and sausages and the spiced gingerbread.

Marion Maudsley is a FoGM member and Kelvingrove guide, also a Blue Badge Scottish tour guide. As a teacher of German, she has visited Nuremberg many times with school exchange groups.