
By becoming a Friend of Glasgow Museums you will support one of the world's leading groups of museums.

Join our friendly, informative, interesting and sociable society. Membership of FoGM is open to everyone over the age of 18. We have over 700 members and you can join us by filling in the form below. Alternatively, you can print out a PDF version of the form and email this to us at or post it to: Friends of Glasgow Museums, The Glasgow Art Club, 185 Bath Street, Glasgow G2 4HU

Membership starts at £15 per annum for a Student Friend membership.

Subscription rates for 2022/23 are:

Friend – £35
Joint Friends – £50
Senior Friend – £30
Joint Senior Friends – £40
Student Friend – £20
Life Members – No Fee


Gift memberships are also available.

As a member of FOGM, you have access to our online and in-person lecture series, exclusive events, trips and visits to exhibitions and galleries, special access to catering at The Glasgow Art Club and other negotiated fixed-term discounts.

Membership benefits include:


–  Specially organised lectures, excursions and behind the scenes insights!

–  Exclusive online lectures and practical classes 

–  Invitations to private views

–  Reduced admission charges to special exhibitions

–  Free copies of our quarterly newsletter